-Instructional Videos

Product Image Item Name- Price
Progression Intermediate DVD - Moving on to tricks

Progression Intermediate DVD - Moving on to tricks

Progression Intermediate DVD --High quality instruciton to begin progressing into tricks and more involved techniques.. The Progression Instructional...
Sale: $31.80


Progression Advanced DVD - Take it to the next level

Progression Advanced DVD - Take it to the next level

Progression Advanced DVD --High quality instruciton to progress into more advanced tricks and techniques.. The Progression Instructional Video Series...
Sale: $31.80


Progression Professional DVD - Take it even further

Progression Professional DVD - Take it even further

Progression Professional DVD --High quality instruciton to progress into top level tricks and techniques.. The Progression Instructional Video Series...
Sale: $31.80


Progression Beginner DVD 2nd Edition (Newly Updated Version)

Progression Beginner DVD 2nd Edition (Newly Updated Version)

Progression Beginner DVD --The Ultimate beginner video has just been updated (released Aug 2009) to its current 2nd release --making the best even...
$34.95  $32.99


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