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KiteBuddy Self Launching & Landing System


I just wanted to say, I LOVE the KiteBuddy. I was at the beach the other day in very gusty conditions, I set up the KiteBuddy, rigged my kite and was walking it to the edge of the wind window when a 30knt gust hit. The wind filled the kite and it rocketed out of my hands with so much force I was thrown into the air, I thought for SURE it was going to pull the KiteBuddy out of the ground or break, but it didn't even budge! Kite went out to the edge of the window... And just stayed there! Ready to launch. It was awesome. Even in very gusty inland lake conditions, the KiteBuddy holds the kite in place. I actually use the KiteBuddy to leash up my dogs at the beach instead of my Pet Anchor because the dogs can pull out the pet anchor, but they can't move the kite buddy an inch. Now that I trust it, I can be out riding, come in, hook up to the KiteBuddy, switch boards or swap out gear, unhook from the KiteBuddy, and get back out on the water with zero hassle. I love the gearbag/sandbag, the flags, all of it. I know you're not really supposed to kite alone, but at least now I feel like I can do it without risking damage to myself or my gear during launching and landing. Thanks for a great product!

Date Added: 11/02/2009 by Michael Cole
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